Team Quality Services

TQS team explained how they moved their sales team inside and grew monthly bookings by 24% in 12 months!

Censa Industrial

Industrial Supplies company, Censa Industrial, outlines how they implemented SPE to grow sales 26% in the first 10…

Height Dynamics

Height Dynamics knew they had to grow their business. Today, post Sales Process Engineering with Ballistix, his retail…

Legion Logistics

Legion Logistics’ growth had stalled at about $27m in annual revenues. It took just three short months to fix that problem.


F12’s pipeline has grown to eight times its previous size with 20% of the sales headcount and an increase in pipeline…

Request Solution Design Workshop Overview

Justin regularly runs Solution Design Workshops in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. His calendar tends to be heavily booked so it’s wise to plan in advance.

If you complete the form below, we will send you a detailed overview of the Solution Design Workshop, including pricing options. Justin will almost certainly want to speak with you before committing to run a workshop (primarily to confirm there is potential for him to deliver significant value).

This offer for The Machine is only available to organizations with 20 or more employees in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.