Justin Roff-Marsh


Justin Roff-Marsh is the founder and President of Ballistix. He is also considered by many as the thought leader in Sales Process Engineering, a radical new approach to the management of the sales function. Justin is also author of the award-winning book on Sales Process Engineering, The Machine and editor of the popular Sales Process Engineering blog read by thousands of people the world over.

Over the past decade, Justin has presented Sales Process Engineering at events to tens of thousands of executives the world over. He has been guest speaker at scores of industry events, conferences and association meetings. He has facilitated Solution Design Workshops to hundreds of companies in scores of Industries throughout North America and Australia.

Justin’s views are rarely comforting and often controversial. If you are looking for sales training or more of the warm and fuzzy relationship-building workshops that have been driving mediocrity since the 1990s, don’t speak to this guy. If you want to be affirmed that the approach you are taking now is eventually going to deliver the sales results you’ve been hoping for, you won’t get it from Justin either.

If you want a provocative thought-leader who is going to change the way you look at your business, while also giving you a proven strategy to scale your business and grow your revenue, then is definitely the guy for you.

Request Solution Design Workshop Overview

Justin regularly runs Solution Design Workshops in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. His calendar tends to be heavily booked so it’s wise to plan in advance.

If you complete the form below, we will send you a detailed overview of the Solution Design Workshop, including pricing options. Justin will almost certainly want to speak with you before committing to run a workshop (primarily to confirm there is potential for him to deliver significant value).

This offer for The Machine is only available to organizations with 20 or more employees in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

More Growth. More Sales.