Alissa Nabutulovo

Senior Graphic Designer

Alissa is our Senior Graphic Designer and Adobe Product Suite guru. Over the years Alissa has designed thousands of campaigns for hundreds of companies across scores of industries.

With a meticulous eye to detail and a creative flair, Alissa works closely with Ballistix copywriters to provide professionally presented marketing collateral expertly executed to sell. This includes a vast array of printed and online collateral ranging from corporate design and stationery to newsletters, brochures, website, email campaigns and information memorandums.

Alissa attended Queensland University of Technology and is a graduate of the Commercial Arts Training College.

Request Solution Design Workshop Overview

Justin regularly runs Solution Design Workshops in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. His calendar tends to be heavily booked so it’s wise to plan in advance.

If you complete the form below, we will send you a detailed overview of the Solution Design Workshop, including pricing options. Justin will almost certainly want to speak with you before committing to run a workshop (primarily to confirm there is potential for him to deliver significant value).

This offer for The Machine is only available to organizations with 20 or more employees in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

More Growth. More Sales.