DOUBLE-DIGIT-GROWTH Strategies for Distributor and supply companies

Get ‘The Machine’: the book behind Justin’s breakthrough double-digit-growth formula

Radical ideas: impeccably reasoned

The Machine is causing senior executives, the world over, to reevaluate the design of their organizations’ front of house. Should revenue be the responsibility of Sales, or Operations? Should salespeople be in the field, or inside? Is customer retention primarily a function of customer relationships, or delivery performance? Should salespeople be paid commissions, or salaries? These are just some of the questions Justin poses in The Machine—and his answers fly in the face of conventional wisdom.

The Machine has 351 independent (and unsolicited) reviews on Amazon, with 64% of readers giving the book 5 stars. You can read all of the reviews here.

Our Sales Documentary

Double-Digit Growth (and why your organization is stuck on single digits)

Ballistix 46.9K+ views 101

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We want to send you the physical book (not some low-rent e-book!)

If you’re a senior executive of a legitimate business, we’d like to mail you a copy of The Machine.

We want to send you the actual book (with a cover, a spine, and actual pages). This is the award-winning 244-page paperback read by more than 42,000 executives that integrates all of the radical ideas outlined in the Double-Digit Growth documentary.

You can buy The Machine on Amazon for $16. Or, you can complete the form and we’ll ship it to you free. There are only four conditions:

  1. You must provide your physical address (we can’t ship to an email address!)
  2. Your email address must have a company domain (
  3. There must be a company website at that domain (
  4. You must be located in either the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, or New Zealand

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Request Solution Design Workshop Overview

Justin regularly runs Solution Design Workshops in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. His calendar tends to be heavily booked so it’s wise to plan in advance.

If you complete the form below, we will send you a detailed overview of the Solution Design Workshop, including pricing options. Justin will almost certainly want to speak with you before committing to run a workshop (primarily to confirm there is potential for him to deliver significant value).

This offer for The Machine is only available to organizations with 20 or more employees in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

More Growth. More Sales.